Dr. Kim Buch, a professor of psychology at the University of North Carolina at Charlotte (UNC Charlotte), discusses how she helped to found the Jamil Niner Student Pantry in 2012. She describes how in addition to running the food pantry, students maintain a community garden that provides the pantry with fresh vegetables as well as a professional clothing closet. Dr. Buch also describes the Swipe Out Hunger program created by Chartwells, (UNC Charlotte caterer), which allows students with unlimited swipes to transfer two swipes a semester to another student struggling with food insecurity. At UNC Charlotte, 25% of students are food insecure and most are graduate and/or international students. Dr. Buch discusses how the UNC Charlotte community donate most of the food and clothing they use in the pantry and closet. She explains how when they first started the pantry, there was resistance from the university administration because of the idea that college students are privileged middle-class people and therefore did not need a food pantry. She also discusses the former and current sponsors of the pantry including Food Lion and Harris Teeter and how they help the pantry via monetary support, donations, and/or volunteering.