Barbara Crawford shares her memories of living in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Charlotte, North Carolina, also known as Second Ward. She describes some of the homes that she lived in growing up, and a house fire that destroyed her family's possessions and left her in the hospital with severe burns. During that time, she attended the sixth grade at Myers Street School, and recounts how a compassionate teacher acted as a father figure toward her. She reminisces about some of the churches, businesses, schools, and residents of Second Ward, including Grier Funeral Home, and her lifelong involvement with Greater Bethel AME Church. Ms. Crawford details her experiences attending Myers Street Elementary and Second Ward High School, including playing basketball, being one of the only two drum majorettes in her class, and her close relationships with teachers. She also discusses her advocacy for the preservation of the heritage of the Brooklyn neighborhood and her efforts to keep the original Second Ward High School gym in place and turn it into a cultural center.