Student government committees

Student government committees image 1
From Si Si yearbook: "Assembly Committee: Justin Hendrix, Don Trapp, and Bill Reid."
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Caption on back: "Assembly Committee: John Wheelock."
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Caption on back: "Assembly Committee."
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Caption on back: "Assembly Committee."
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Caption on back: "Elections Committee."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Elections Committee: Joe Griffin, John Reap, Martha Stogner, Wellene Hodges."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Elections Committee. Seated: Bob Hensel, Marjorie Clark, Marjorie Lotshaw, and Harry Poovey. Standing: Dan McCaskill and Herbert Gill."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Elections Committee."
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Caption on back: "Elections Committee."
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Caption on back: "Elections Committee."
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Caption on back: "Financial Committee."
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Caption on back: "Financial Committee."
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Caption on back: "Freshman Advisory Committee."
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Caption on back: "Freshman Advisory Committee. Student Government Association."
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Caption on back: "Freshman Advisory Council."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Publicity Committee: Larry Brown, Jan Shetler, Mack Mauldin."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Publicity Committee: Patsy Hartsell, Don Whitfield, Boyd Mattison, Slade Joyner."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Publicity Committee: Peggy Barrett, Ken Harris, Katherine McIntyre, Doug Biddy, Merwin Foard, Judy Mauldwin."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Publicity Committee."
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Caption on back: "Publicity Committee."
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Caption on back: "Publicity Committee."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Social Committee: Jim Sherrill, Barbara Morris, and Kay Dermody."
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From Si Si yearbook: "Social Committee."
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Caption on back: "Social Committee."
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Caption on back: "Social Staff."
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Caption on back: "Social Committee: Ruth Raney Holden."
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Caption on back: "Social Committee: Ruth Raney Holden."
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Caption on back: "Social Committee."
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Caption on back: "Social Committee."
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Caption on back: "Gus Psomodakis, vice president. Traffic Committee. Photo by Tommy Estridge."