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Charlotte College Commencement Programs
Commencement programs for Charlotte College.
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Baccalaureate Program and Commencement Program, 1950
June 5, 1950 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: John Paul Lucas, Director of Public Relations, Duke Power Company
Baccalaureate Program and Commencement Program, 1951
June 4, 1951 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: C. W. Gilchrist, President, Charlotte Rotary Club
Baccalaureate Program and Commencement Program, 1952
June 2, 1952 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: C. C. Jernigan, President, Queens College
Baccalaureate Service and Commencement Exercises, 1953
June 8, 1953 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: Joseph C. Robert, President, Coker College
Baccalaureate Service and Commencement Exercises, 1954
June 7, 1954 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: Arthur H. Jones, President, American Trust Company
Baccalaureate Service and Commencement Exercises, 1955
June 6, 1955 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: Carl G. McGraw, President, Union National Bank
Baccalaureate Service and Commencement Exercises, 1956
June 4, 1956 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: Thomas L. Robinson, Owner/Publisher, The Charlotte News
Commencement Exercises, 1957
June 4, 1957 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: Luther H. Hodges, Governor of North Carolina
Commencement Exercises, 1958
June 2, 1958 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: D. Hiden Ramsey, Chairman, State Board of Higher Education
Commencement Exercises, 1959
June 8, 1959 (Central High School Auditorium)--Address: George D. Heaton
Baccalaureate Service, 1960
June 6, 1960 Note: Graduation program missing.
Commencement Exercises, 1961
June 4, 1961 (Park Center)--Address: George A. Gulette, North Carolina State College
Commencement Exercises, 1962
June 3, 1962 (Park Center)--Address: John R. Cunningham, Presbyterian Foundation
Commencement Exercises, 1963
June 2, 1963 (Park Center)--Address: William C. Archie, Director, North Carolina Board of Higher Education
Charlotte College Commencement, 1964
May 31, 1964 (Library Auditorium)--Address: Bonnie E. Cone, President, Charlotte College
Charlotte College Commencement, 1965
June 6, 1965--Address: Joseph W. Grier, Jr.