Charlie Sanders Audio Tapes
- Charlie Sanders delivers a short campaign speech at an unknown location. Sanders says that he wants to help people help themselves, and discusses his background as a doctor, teacher, and businessman. Topics include protecting Medicare and Medicaid for future generations, education, balancing the federal budget, and fostering small business. After a pause, Sanders delivers a different speech at Catawba College at around 5:30 in the recording. He discusses the same issues as in the first speech, but spends more time elaborating on his ideas as well as beating Jesse Helms. Speech is followed by a long question and answer session that continues outside. Topics include negative campaign ads, his status a a political outsider, campaign fundraising, the EPA, foreign aid, the internet, support for military programs in NC, national defense, tobacco regulation, gun regulation, health insurance coverage, encouraging business development, loans and grants, and how he will beat Jesse Helms., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Recording is quiet. Pause between introduction and speech., Charlie Sanders delivers a primary campaign speech focusing on health care in Greensboro. He is introduced by an unknown speaker. Topics include children, community coming together, high rate of infant mortality in NC and how he worked to reduce it through his work at Glaxo, health care reform, NC's strong health education programs, health insurance reform, coverage across employers, standardization of administrative forms in healthcare, expanding federal employee insurance coverage plans to people working in small businesses or self-employed, insurance coverage for agricultural workers, and federal loan program for the unemployed to extend insurance coverage. Speech followed by a question and answer session with topics including flat tax proposals, health insurance reform, financial decisions driving medical care, pharmaceutical research and high drug costs, and the outsourcing of jobs., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Recording begins abruptly. Commercials and breaks were edited out by the cassette's creator., Charlie Sanders appears on the Mike Finley show on WSJS 600 AM. Sanders discusses his candidacy for senate and answers questions from Finley and from callers to the program. Sanders primarily discusses health care in the first part, including lowering costs in Medicare and Medicaid by cutting costs to reimbursements to hospitals in urban areas and cut back in spending in other areas in Medicare program, such as clinical lab and outpatient services, that have been exempted previously. Topics raised by callers' questions include: block grants (which Republicans support), protecting the most vulnerable in health care, supplemental insurance coverage, the insurance industry, abortion and federal funding, layoffs and worker training programs, tobacco industry and federal law, national defense and technological changes to the military, privatizing Medicare and Social Security, search and seizure laws and the RICO Act, the Second Amendment, and government's role in education. At around 15:00, a Gantt campaign staffer can be heard on the recording commenting on Sanders's responses., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Begins 2:05. Can trim maybe. Recording ends around 6:30, but the recorder was left on for a while. Volume fluctuations. Third recording is very quiet, parts of the question and answer session are barely audible., Continuation of the Mike Finley show on WSJS 600 AM. Charlie Sanders is the guest and answers questions about his political views. Topics from caller's questions include: environmental policy and business, beating Jesse Helms, and the federal government's role in education. A second recording begins, which is part of a campaign speech by Charlie Sanders. Sanders discusses affordability of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical industry drug research, insurance coverage and prescription drugs. A third recording begins of a speech by Charlie Sanders. Topics include AmeriCorps, supporting small business, corporate downsizing and environmental policy. Speech followed by a question and answer session, with topics included balancing the federal budget, Medicaid, abortion, Jesse Helms, campaign finance reform, cutting discretionary spending in Congress, financial aid programs, and funding for higher education., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Recording includes commercials and headline news. Occasional static in recording., Charlie Sanders appears as a guest on Talk Back with Mike Finley, 600 WSJS to discuss his primary run to be the Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate. Topics during the beginning interview portion of the recording include healthcare reform, insurance reform, insuring the uninsured, catastrophic health insurance, education, small business creation, and the environment. Then listeners call in to the program with their questions. Topics in this portion include Medicaid, health insurance for small business employees, abortion, tax cuts, balancing the budget, Medicare, block grants, and Social Security., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Music at the end of the cassette was trimmed out of the digital file., Continuation of the Mike Finley show on WSJS 600 AM. Charlie Sanders is the guest and answers questions about his political views. Topics from caller's questions include: environmental policy and business, beating Jesse Helms, and the federal government's role in education. A second recording begins, which is part of a campaign speech by Charlie Sanders. Sanders discusses affordability of prescription drugs, pharmaceutical industry drug research, insurance coverage and prescription drugs. A third recording begins of a speech by Charlie Sanders. Topics include AmeriCorps, supporting small business, corporate downsizing and environmental policy. Speech followed by a question and answer session, with topics included balancing the federal budget, Medicaid, abortion, Jesse Helms, campaign finance reform, cutting discretionary spending in Congress, financial aid programs, and funding for higher education., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- An interview at the end of the recording about a workplace firing that was irrelevant to the 1996 senatorial campaign was removed from the digital recording., Charlie Sanders delivers a campaign speech at NC State University. Sanders discusses his background as a cardiologist and executive and his reasons for running for office. Topics of his speech include solving problems, voting his opponent, Jesse Helms, out of office, expanding health care insurance coverage to more people, reform the healthcare system to reduce costs, insurance portability, catastrophic illness coverage, Head Start and early childhood education, federal funding for student loans, AmeriCorps, support for small business creation, protecting the environment, and bringing people together. Followed by a question and answer session. Topics include dirty campaigning, differences between Sanders and Harvey Gantt, competing financially against Helms, flat tax, why health care reforms have failed in Congress in the past, gun control, racially-charged campaigning, environmental regulations, constitutional amendments, balancing the federal budget, military spending, campaign finance reform, and foreign policy. A different recording begins at about 50:50 in the recording. Sanders is asked about his thoughts on public smoking bans. This recording may have taken place right after the NCSU speech., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- About 2 minutes into the recording, the Sanders recording drops out and a guy's voice can be heard saying "hello." Sanders recording resumes about 2:30, but starts back at an earlier part of his speech. Weird audio glitches start around 4:10. Background sounds and changes in audio quality throughout., Charlie Sanders delivers a campaign speech to the Rotary Club. He first tells a joke, then talks about healthcare, including his career in healthcare, biomedical research. About 6:30, speech cuts out and a different recording of Charlie Sanders begins. Sanders asks the crowd around him a question about presidential trivia, then says that people will pay you for what you know and the audience should invest in education. He is probably speaking with students. Sanders talks about computers in schools, jobs, and student loans., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Charlie Sanders appears on a radio program in Shelby. Some questions came from callers, but they did not speak on the air. Topics include education, small business creation, the environment, Sander's background, the death penalty, crime prevention, youth employment, structured sentencing, rehabilitation, balancing the federal budget, Medicare, hospital reimbursements, and Social Security, senior housing, abortion, the high cost of prescription drugs, and rumors that Sanders contributed money to Jesse Helms., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Charlie Sanders delivers a campaign speech and participates in an event at Shiloh AME Zion Church in Statesville. Sanders introduces himself and discusses his background as a doctor, teacher, and businessman. Topics include Medicare, Medicaid, balancing the budget, and supporting small business creation. A representative for Harvey Gantt then speaks on his behalf, and talks about beating Jesse Helms and Gantt's background. At around 8:30, Sanders discusses his reasons for running and thanks a Gantt campaign staffer for following him and paying close attention to his campaign. This may be part of the same event. At around 11:50, a "fireside chat" session begins, which is likely a different event. Sanders introduces himself, provides an overview of his message, and discusses topics including bringing real-world experience to Washington, beating Jesse Helms, preexisting conditions and insurance, health insurance portability, tax deductions for insurance premiums, education, federal funding for Title 1 programs, student loans, supporting small business creation, and protecting the environment. The speech is followed by a question and answer session from the panel that hosted his appearance., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- 19 minutes of unintelligible background conversation at the beginning of the audio cassette trimmed from the digital file, as well as around 10 minutes of unintelligible recording after the speech. Background voices throughout recording., Charlie Sanders delivers a primary campaign speech in Sylva. Topics of his speech include beating Jesse Helms in the general election, extending healthcare plans and coverage to insure more people, protecting Title 1 education programs and student loans, small business creation programs and incentives, protecting the environment, bringing people together, and balancing the federal budget., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Loud bird and wind sounds in the background., Charlie Sanders appears at the state capitol in Raleigh to publicly release his tax returns and challenge his opponents to do the same. Sanders then answers questions from the press. Topics include negative attack ads against Sanders from both Harvey Gantt and Jesse Helms and the primary race., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Campaign commercial attempting to undermine Gantt's character and persuade listeners that Charlie Sanders is the better Democratic candidate to go up against Republican Jesse Helms., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Fuzzy, crackling recording. Recording includes commercials., Charlie Sanders appears on a radio program on WHKP 1450 AM to talk about his primary campaign for Senate. Topics include Sanders's reasons for running for Senate, expanding health insurance coverage, insurance portability, insurance for small business and self-employed, tax deductions for health care premiums, catastrophic healthcare coverage, supporting small business creation, protecting the environment, balancing the federal budget, the flat tax, tax cuts, welfare reform, job training, Medicare, Medicaid, block grants, healthcare for children, and public health resources. Later in the program, callers ask Sanders questions. Call-in question topics include gays in the military, Medicare reimbursements, the influence of lobbyists in government, tax breaks for businesses, Social Security, tobacco regulation, and campaign finance reform., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Fuzzy, crackling recording., Continuation of an interview with Charlie Sanders on a radio program on WHKP 1450 AM to talk about his primary campaign for senate. Sanders talks about his reasons for running for Senate., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Recording sounds muffled and is difficult to hear. Lots of background noise during parts of Sanders's speech., Recording of a Democratic meeting in Wake County, where Charles Sanders is a guest speaker. Various speakers discuss the activities of the Wake County Democratic Party. At around17:30 into the recording, Sanders delivers a campaign speech. Sanders first compliments another politician running for office, then discusses his background and reasons for running for Senate. Topics include partisanship, beating Jesse Helms, balancing the federal budget, expanding insurance coverage to more people, insurance for people with preexisting conditions, insurance portability, early childhood education, student loans, AmeriCorps, national service programs, corporate downsizing, business development, and protecting the environment. Speech is followed by a question and answer session. Question topics include protecting Social Security for younger people, protecting jobs from corporate layoffs, protecting public education, regulation of business and the environment, the national debt and taxes, and healthcare policy., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Cassette labeled "Piedmont Club, Winston-Salem," but the recording is actually a radio program with Charlie Sanders in Wilmington. Very staticy recording with feedback and background noise. Seems to have been played through a phone line and recorded. Recording cuts out during a question., Charlie Sanders is interviewed by Harvey Jennings on a radio program in Wilmington. Listeners also call in with their questions. Sanders introduces himself as a doctor, teacher, and businessman. Sanders says that he will beat his opponent, Jesse Helms, because he is a political outsider and a problem-solver. Topics include support for the death penalty, Helms's time in office, cuts passed by Congress to Medicare for seniors and education programs including loans, criticism that Sanders has recieved on price increases for medications while Sanders was the CEO of Glaxo, negative campaigning, the cost of medical care, medical savings accounts, gun control, the rabies vaccine, need for federal support in education, Head Start; balancing the federal budget, support for public schools, and a caller questioning Sanders's loyalty to the Democratic Party., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.
- Recording begins abruptly., Partial recording of Charlie Sanders appearing as a guest on news radio on WAAV Wilmington. Callers ask Sanders questions on topics including abortion, Medicare and Medicaid reform, and cuts to reimbursements to profitable hospitals., This project was supported by a Recordings at Risk grant from the Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR). The grant program is made possible by funding from The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation.